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葉宗軒,台灣人。畢業於英國國家電影學院(National Film and Television School) /皇家藝術學院(Royal College of Art)導演碩士。在國外拍攝階段,由英國政府(BFI)資助拍攝短片,並與著名資深演員David Bamber(王者之聲、行動代號:華爾奇麗雅 以及Borg/McEnroe等片) 以及David Yip(印第安納·瓊斯-魔宮傳奇等片)等合作。

作品入圍 溫哥華國際電影節(VIFF)、奧斯卡資格影展艾德蒙頓國際國際電影節 (EIFF)、Cinequest電影節、日本札幌電影節、平遙國際電影節、JAGRAN 國際電影節、高雄電影節與金穗獎等。

Kevin Yeh’s films focus on self-identity and relationship in modern society. He believe film is the way to get closer to our self-conscious and dreams. He works both in Asia and Europe which give him space to explore different culture impact and self-identity.

His works were selected in Vancouver International Film Festival(VIFF), Edmonton International Film Festival, Cinequest Film Festival, Sapporo International Film Festival, JAGRAN Film festival and more.